Change The Narrative is a call to action for white Americans to help fight for racial justice and to commit to living lives that are actively anti-racist.
Our Mission
Through workshops, professional development, consulting and coaching, we intentionally create spaces for white people to better understand racism, equity, whiteness and themselves, with the goal of it leading to both personal transformation, as well as concrete institutional change.
While white supremacy and racism are pervasive in America’s institutions, our schools, workplaces and communities have not demanded that white folks address our own ignorance, bias and racism, as well as take responsibility for disrupting racism and ultimately dismantling white supremacy.
That said, times are changing. There is no being neutral and there is no, “not racist.” We must show up in solidarity with BIack people and People of Color, while also realizing our own stakes in the intersectional fight for racial justice.

Meet the Founder
Jason Biehl is a DC native and anti-racist educator, with over 20 years of experience working in education with youth from diverse backgrounds. In 2017, he founded Change the Narrative, a series of workshops and professional development on race, whiteness and equity, designed to increase the knowledge, understanding and empathy of predominantly white students, teachers and parents.
“Jason is genuine in his critical examination of white culture and provides a framework for those of the dominant society to truly self-reflect and begin a long journey ahead of them.”
— Kimberly Riofrio, founder of JEDI, Aidan Montessori
“Jason did an excellent job in letting students build from what they already knew. He allowed them to take ownership for being a part of the solution to injustice.”
— History Teacher, Stone Ridge
“I was comforted by his ability to acknowledge his privilege as not only a white person, but as a white man. It gave me hope that our efforts as women and women of color are not in vain.”
— Senior, Stone Ridge
“Jason Biehl was very aware of problems with racism and related them to certain problems that we see at our school.”
— Junior, Edmund Burke